With the advancement in technology schools, colleges and institutes are also moving ahead with the technology and manage daily activities of school using School ERP Software. Addition of mobile app with school ERP software will became a solution of lots of problem. School ERP app proves to be a best solution for parents as well as schools. As it reduces communication gap between parents and teachers, it enhances working of education institutes and help them to improve their academic standards.

Highlights in Education App


Daily Attendance of students are marked with a button press via the App. Attendance history, notification to the parents are automated using the app.

Application Form

A comprehensive application form for new admissions, approvals of the Principal, fees collection records, beneficiaries to be given to students are digitalized using these app. This helps in eradication of vast amount of paper work.


A high-level dashboard for administrators to monitor the overall attendance of students, teachers, fees dues, etc. per standard and section basis.